Customize Your T-Shirts

Customize It!

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Price Each$12.70$10.40$9.50$8.95$8.40$7.60$-11.85


Congratulations Seniors on reaching the top! Wear this crest proudly as you inspire the future seniors to persevere. It displays your year and mascot in a center shield with a classic ribbon for the school. You can replace the motif in the back with your mascot silhouette for extra style. And add a distress layer, because everything is cooler with a distress layer!


seniors, class of 17, 17

#1021 Senior Crest

What's Included:

  • Gildan Cotton Basic T-Shirt
  • Screen printing with 2 color front
  • Free 2-Week Delivery
  • Free Professional Design Service
  • Free set-up
  • Money-Back Guarantee
S-5XL(2XL are $2.00 more ea, 3XL-5XL are $3.00 more ea.100% pre-shrunk cotton.)
Our best selling t-shirt, is priced right and available in over 80 different colors.  Available in both kids and adults it works great when you need everyone to match.  It's 100% pre-shrunk cotton.